Waking up as Jeff Bezos.

If I could swap places with a famous person I would want to swap with Jeff Bezos. Not because I like him, because I don’t. I want to swap with Jeff Bezos so I can spend all of his money. I would like to enter his body while his soul wonders around confused so I can spend all his money. That’s it, why you may ask? I just don’t really like him. I guess I should say what I would do to spend his money. I would raise all Amazon Employees salaries by 150% and Clear a lot of student debt because holy macaroni there’s a lot of that. I would also go and give random people a lot of money. I would donate to homeless and animal rescue shelters, I would make homeless people moderately rich, I would send people that are homeless because of drugs into a rehabilitation facility, and overall just use his money in helpful ways until he was moderately wealthy. Then I would give away all his companies in challenges, think Mr Beast but instead of one million dollars the whole amazon company. At the end, after making his family concerned about him, after helping so much people, and after ultimately screwing Jeff Bezos over, I would sign a legal document stating that all purchases, donations, giveaways, or anything of the sort would not be able to be reversed or taken back. This would leave the final blow that would really do a number on him. Within 24 hours from when it started I would be back in my body ad he would be crying, having lost so much. On a lighter note, thanks to the game You Are Jeff Bezos for inspiring me for this project! I originally was going to just not switch with anyone, or maybe a brain dead person so I could sleep all day, but that game inspired me to talk about how I would screw Jeff Bezos over! Whoever is reading this, have a wonderfully wonderful day. Is that grammatically correct? I don’t know! Should I care because I’m writing this in core? Probably! Anyways, on a more serious note now. I hope whoever is reading this has a wonderful day, seriously. All of you readers deserve to have a awesome day, because that means a happy day, and I think everyone likes happy days.

If I Could be Any Age Forever

If I could be one age forever I would be four. The reasons I have are the following: I would still be able to talk to people, School wouldn’t be hard, and I would still be blissfully ignorant.

If time is still gonna pass, I’m going to want to be able to talk to people. If I can’t talk to people, I’ll get sad a lot faster. I mean, imagine how it would feel being somewhat aware of the world around you yet not being able to interact with it. That would be like a never ending nightmare, the only escape being not-living, but I don’t want to dive into that territory. If I couldn’t talk to people yet I knew they were there and I could still interact with them, just the social isolation would be difficult to handle.

School wouldn’t be as hard because with my age I would either be in Transitional Kindergarten or Preschool. At the age of four I would probably be learning colors and playing with Playdough or Magic Foam, and there also wouldn’t be any social hierarchy. Just four year olds having fun. There would be no betrayals, no enemies, no sadness, no stress. Just children interacting like usual.

The best part of being four is being blissfully ignorant. As a child, I didn’t know what global warming or depression was, I didn’t know about climate change or murder, I didn’t know people could die, I didn’t know anything. It was just me, my friends, and my toys. No breakdowns over my future, no burn out, no unhealthy sleep habits, no fears besides the supposed monster under my bed, fun places, nap time, no bad things at all. This is why I would permanently be four. Not three, not five, not twelve or twenty or thirty, just four.

My Birthday Kitten

My parents are getting me a kitten for my birthday. In this blog, I will talk about how I’m going to take care of the Kitten. I will name my cat Leila if it’s a girl, and a random name like Moo Moo or Starburst (Real cats at the OC animal shelter)if it’s a boy. When the kitten is old and big enough, I will try and harness train the kitten so I can go on walks with them. Most importantly, I will have to introduce the cat to Pete. If the two cats get along, Great! If not hopefully snowball will become friends with the new kitten. I will find out what treats the kitten likes best and use them to teach the kitten how to climb the cat tree in my room. If the kitten likes cuddles, I’ll cuddle with it every night. I will also make sure the kitten is okay with being picked up. I want to spoil the kitten with toys and love, maybe even getting a kitten stroller or carrier for when the cat gets tired on our walks. This is the first kitten i’ve ever raised, so I’ll do my best. I asked this some random time, and my parents remembered. I’m glad they did, because now I can introduce our lovely feline friend when we get them.

RAD Reading-September

The book I’m doing this on is called The Land of Stories: The Enchantress Returns by Chris Colfer. Here’s a quick summary of the plot. One year after Alex and Conner Bailey find out about the Land of Stories, and are sadly not allowed in it, they find out their mom has been kidnapped by the evil enchantress, Ezmia. For background, she’s the one who put the thorn bush curse in the story Sleeping Beauty. They then find a way to go to the stories, where they have to stop Ezmia from destroying the fairytale world. They do this by going on a conquest to gather the most important item from the 5 most hated people in the world, who are the Evil Stepmother, The Snow Queen, The Sea Witch, The Giant from Jack And The Beanstalk, and of course Ezmia to make the Wand of Wonderment. There’s also still that somewhat entertaining dynamic between Red and Goldilocks, both hating each others guts.
I liked the book because it’s one of the few I’m not tempted to skip past the drama, because it’s actually entertaining enough. Most books drama is either too much or too little for me, but this one has just the right amount. My favorite character from the story is Alex, not because she’s a strong female character (partially), but because she’s courageous. I can’t say why because that would be a major plot spoiler, and I don’t want to ruin the experience. I can use a out of context quote however, so might as well do the required character trait here. Alex is courageous, and here’s the quote to prove it. “Everyone looked up to see Alex at the front of the colosseum”. This is courageous because oh my god I would be extremely anxious, and it’s even more courageous in context. The courage this girl has is honestly surprising. My favorite quote is “ ‘Jack is nimble, Jack is quick, but Jack can be such a—‘ She then stopped, perhaps remembering she was talking to thirteen-year-olds.” I find this funny because Mother Goose was rhyming during this time, and you can guess what she was going to say next. Bonus points because my oldest brother is named Jack, and as the younger sister it just makes me giggle.