Mother’s Day Blog

Someone that has had a huge impact on me is my mom. She’s had a huge positive impact on me, and I love her a lot. I can’t use the word because in any of the reasons because I’ve always just kind of loved her naturally, so I don’t know what makes me love her. I love it when we go out together, so that’s one thing. I love how much she loves me. I love how nice she is. I love what she does for me. I love it when we hug. I just kind of love her. I don’t really know how to explain it. My mom is my mom, and I guess I just love her because she’s a good one. I now realized writing this we haven’t gone out in a while, mom with anyone, since both parents have been busy. Mom, since I know you read these blogs, can we go to a water park or swimming pool sometime? I like those. Maybe over the summer or on a weekend? Anyways, back to the writing. I can’t remember any special advice she’s given me besides “When you shop for shoes go for comfortable not fashionable” and that’s paraphrased. I don’t remember too much but that might just be because I’m in school mode or because I don’t really spend much time with her. Actually kind of making me sad. Maybe we can spend more time together over the summer. A memory that just resurfaced was when I found a tear in my favorite stuffed animal, a cat named pearl, and she sewed the tear shut. Thats about the only positive one I can think of that’s notable, the only other one being waiting in the hospital for a hour or two only to be told that I needed to take eye drops for a infected sty, which was a total waste of time.

20% Project – Week 5

This week I struggled a bit with lettering, having to find out how I cut out paper letters with a hole in the middle. I eventually realized I could cut out the outside outline and fold the letter in half, using my scissors to cut where the hole should be. I did have to make an adjustment, but not because of something bad. I got colored paper the night before so I had to adjust that into my schedule. I succeeded gluing all the photos, the backdrop paper, the white strips that I put the black letters on, and making outlines for the word oleander. I left off cutting out letters and gluing them to spell Oleander. Next week I will continue working on lettering.

Rad Reading – April

For Rad Reading this month I read book three of Heavens Official Blessing by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu. In this book three major things happen. The reader gets more information about Xie Lians backstory, We start on a subplot involving a fetus spirit. We also start on what’s known as the Black Water Arc, which starts with the Reverend of Empty Words. I liked this book because I enjoy the writers writing style, and I like how the plot is consistent. It also gives us a backstory for the main character, which adds more depth to his character and gives information about the relationship of him and his two ex-friends(???) which kind of has a weird dynamic I can’t explain right. My favorite character in this book is Shi Qingxuan because he’s kind of a drama king. A quote to prove this is “‘Oh, that’s all me. It’s just a little spell, don’t mind it. Just setting the mood.’” The context for this quote is Shi Qingxuan is about to tell everyone about the Reverend of Empty words, and he made it dark, made there be a slight breeze, and made it so theres only candles. My favorite quote from the book is “The worse the moniker, the better, because it really was abominable in the extreme.” This is my favorite quote because its talking about the Reverend of Empty Words and I really don’t like the Reverend of Empty Words.

20% Project: Week 4

This week I cut out some flower pictures. I didn’t have much time because we only had thirty minutes. I also got interviewed about the 20% Project, Which took some time. This weeks successes were cutting out a page and a half of flower pictures, which when I cut out all of them are going to be glued to my tri-fold. My struggles were trying to cut the flowers as best I can, trying not to cut off too much but also trying not to leave any white paper. I was also sorta nervous while being interviewed for obvious reasons. In regards of adjustments, I didn’t really need to do any since I knew what I was supposed to do.

20% Project – Week 3

This week I finished collecting information for Oleander, Foxglove, and Deadly Nightshade. Here’s three interesting facts about Oleander. In Galveston Texas, theres an Oleander festival. Oleander was a very popular ornamental shrub in Roman peristyle gardens. Oleander is the national flower of Hiroshima, because it was the first flower that bloomed after it got nuked. This week went well. I found out many facts, and I should be able to start decorating the tri-fold and making life size paper replicas. This week went really great, it needed no adjustments and I had no failures.

Good Neighbor

This weeks writing prompt that I’ve chosen is how to be a good neighbor. One way you can be a good neighbor is by keeping the noise below a high level. Another way you can be a good neighbor is by being respectful of their property. Don’t cross into it without permission or a valid reason, because it’s just rude. One more way you can be a good neighbor is, if you want to, go the extra mile for them. By that I mean give them baked goods sometimes or help them with work. The last one is optional because you have absolutely no obligation to do that for your neighbor, just would be a kind thing to do. If you want to actually do this and you’re having a problem deciding what, find a brownie recipe. Most people like brownies.

20% Project, Week 2: Foxglove

Hello, my name is Rebecca. This blog is being make on 4/12/2024. This week I managed to accomplish picking 3 flowers to start working on. The flowers I chose are Foxglove, Oleander, and Deadly Nightshade. I also managed to get good information on Foxglove and Deadly Nightshade, and please identify plants before touching them no matter how pretty because I found out touching either of these without gloves can give you severe poisoning. This week went really well, I got a lot of information. Adjustments I made was pushing back the fake paper models due to missing week one and forgetting to buy the paper for them and pushing forward research, which is going really well. heres three fun facts about the Deadly Nightshade. It’s commonly used to symbolize danger and betrayal. This plant was used quite frequently to poison enemies, with two Roman emperors dying from it. Deadly Nightshade is also used in some anesthetics. I left off researching Foxglove, and after finding a few more facts about it ill be moving on to Oleander or paper models.

Book Recommendation???

I’m just going to be honest here, I have no idea what to write because of the prompt being freewrite. So this is just going to be random things and ill name it whatever fits it best by the end. You should check out the book series Heavens Official Blessing by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu if you like slow burn romance, the confession doesn’t even happen until book five of eight and I didn’t even realize it was a confession at first. Although a warning, there is quite a bit of angst (Sad stuff) when it comes to flashbacks, and I recommend reading the book series before entering any part of the fandom because people do not give spoiler warnings and I got spoiled two major plot twists by doing that. If you finish reading that and you like it, you should try reading one of their other books after. They have two other books which English names are Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation and The Scum Villains Self-saving System. I’ve only completely read Heavens Officials Blessing though. I am, however, on book four of five of Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation and I’m liking it so far. The plot line is pretty good, and even though I like the plot line of Heavens Officials Blessing better, that doesn’t take away from the quality of this book series. Anyways, on to typing about another random thing. Qiqi and Yao Yao friendship is so cute, both are kinda old but still look and kind of act like small children. It’s such a wholesome friendship and I love it so much. Yao Yao being related to the Adeptus in some way and Qiqi being a zombie also means they can be friends for a long time, which is a heartwarming thought.

If I Could Invite Anyone To Dinner

If I could invite any three people to dinner, fictional or dead, real or alive, I would invite my mom, my dad, and one of my brothers depending on what’s for dinner. I wouldn’t invite any fictional characters because not only would the invite be declined, I don’t know them. I wouldn’t invite anyone dead because I don’t want to disrupt the dead. I would invite my mom because, well, she’s my mom and I love her a lot. wouldn’t I? I would invite my dad for the same reason as my mom, plus he can be funny if an opportunity arises. I would invite my brother Jack if we were having something he liked, because, well, he’s my brother. Just like my mom, why wouldn’t I? If we were having something Andrew likes, I would invite him for the exact same reason. He’s my brother and I love and care for him. If we were having something both my brothers like, I’d probably do a coin flip. That is the easiest way to decide, after all.

Rad Reading-March

In the month of March, I read book 5 of the series Heavens Official’s Blessing by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu. In this book ghosts are meeting at Mount Tonglu, A area where ghosts fight each other in a battle royale to try and become the next supreme ghost king, basically someone who’s really strong. Xie Lian and Hua Cheng, the two main characters, along with other heavenly officials, infiltrate Mount Tonglu to try and prevent a new supreme ghost kings creation. Xie Lians heavenly powers are limited near there, but Hua Cheng has survived Mount Tonglu before so they still have kind of an upper hand in the form of knowledge about the area. In this book we also see a certain white clothed ghost from Xie Lians past, although you’ll need to read the previous books for context. I liked this book for multiple reasons. It has a consistent plot line, and the writing is also really good. The book series is a slow burn romance, and the story portrays this really well. My favorite character in this book is probably Lan Chang/Jian Lan (Same person). one of her character traits is brave. The quote that prove this is “Jian Lan violently stomped on Qi Rong a few times. ‘Dog! A dog! You’re the most like a dog!’” For context, Qi Rong isn’t a supreme ghost king, but he’s still pretty strong compared to Lan Chang and she just stomped on him. My favorite quote from the book is “‘What’s a S(censored)ty ‘Almost Supreme’?!’” This is my favorite quote because its Lan Chang saying something that hits Qi Rong right in his ego.