Waking up as Jeff Bezos.

If I could swap places with a famous person I would want to swap with Jeff Bezos. Not because I like him, because I don’t. I want to swap with Jeff Bezos so I can spend all of his money. I would like to enter his body while his soul wonders around confused so I can spend all his money. That’s it, why you may ask? I just don’t really like him. I guess I should say what I would do to spend his money. I would raise all Amazon Employees salaries by 150% and Clear a lot of student debt because holy macaroni there’s a lot of that. I would also go and give random people a lot of money. I would donate to homeless and animal rescue shelters, I would make homeless people moderately rich, I would send people that are homeless because of drugs into a rehabilitation facility, and overall just use his money in helpful ways until he was moderately wealthy. Then I would give away all his companies in challenges, think Mr Beast but instead of one million dollars the whole amazon company. At the end, after making his family concerned about him, after helping so much people, and after ultimately screwing Jeff Bezos over, I would sign a legal document stating that all purchases, donations, giveaways, or anything of the sort would not be able to be reversed or taken back. This would leave the final blow that would really do a number on him. Within 24 hours from when it started I would be back in my body ad he would be crying, having lost so much. On a lighter note, thanks to the game You Are Jeff Bezos for inspiring me for this project! I originally was going to just not switch with anyone, or maybe a brain dead person so I could sleep all day, but that game inspired me to talk about how I would screw Jeff Bezos over! Whoever is reading this, have a wonderfully wonderful day. Is that grammatically correct? I don’t know! Should I care because I’m writing this in core? Probably! Anyways, on a more serious note now. I hope whoever is reading this has a wonderful day, seriously. All of you readers deserve to have a awesome day, because that means a happy day, and I think everyone likes happy days.

One thought on “Waking up as Jeff Bezos.”

  1. This was really fun to read. I love your writing style too. It’s unique and keeps the reader interested.

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