Pigeons arguing



To a normal person, this might just be a few pigeons squawking very loudly. For the pigeons, however, it is a petty argument.




Person 1: why are those pigeons so loud?

Person 2: Probably hungry.

Person 1: yeah, should we feed them?

Person 2: No, the sign says we shouldn’t.


Pigeon 2: YOU ARE WRONG!

Pigeon 1: NO YOU ARE!



Pigeon 2: SO WHAT?


Pigeon 3: *More aggravated yelling*

Person 1: God, they are loud.

Person 2: You can say that again.

Person 1: Do you think they are talking about something?

Person 2: Birds can’t talk.

Person 1: True.





Pigeon 1: ITS STALE!

Pigeon 2: FLUFFY!


Person 1: It’s getting windy. We should leave.

Person 2: OW! I just got sniped by a leaf.

Person 1: Let’s go, the pigeons are starting to hurt my ears anyways.


Pigeon 2: YOU WOULD NOT!

Pigeon 2: >:(

Pigeon 1: 🙂

Pigeon 3: O:

They then argued for the rest of the day.

Thankful Things

Three things I’m thankful for are my cats, this one specific achievement, and my family. I’m thankful for my cats because not only are they adorable fluffsters, but they are awesome at emotional support. Whenever I’m sad I find a cat. It can be Snowball, Pete, Maria, Pumpkin, any of them. They all have helped me through a lot, although Pete helped me through a lot more than the others since he’s the oldest and my favorite. I’m thankful for the one specific achievement, which is setting boundaries. I used to go with the flow a bit too much, doing things I was uncomfortable with just hoping people would catch on to it, but I’ve been setting firm boundaries. The day I realized this I felt this warm, fuzzy feeling somewhere around the lower part of my stomach. It felt like walking up to a bonfire after being in the freezing cold, but ten times better. It just felt really warm and fuzzy, and since I was about to go to sleep I slept really well. I’m thankful for my family because they have always been there. The times they haven’t isn’t their fault, because those times I was too stubborn to let them. They all care about me, and I care about them. I wish all of them have happy and amazing futures.

Rad Reading-October

The title of the book I’m doing this month is The Land Of Stories: Worlds Collide by Chris Colfer. Here’s a short summary of the plot. In The Land of Stories by Chris Colfer, Connor Bailey has to fight against the Literary Army with an army of his own-from his short stories. That’s bad enough, but then the fairy council is turned to stone by Medusa and Froggy is trapped in a magic mirror! Things only get worse when his sister, Alex, the most powerful fairy of them all, gets cursed by mirror dust and the witches combined. Now Connor has to fight with Goldilocks, Red Riding Hood, Jack, Bree, and the Book huggers against 2 major threats! How will he deal with this? You have to read to find out. I liked this book because it was the finale, and who doesn’t like a finale? Well, unless it’s unfulfilling. However, the finale wasn’t unfulfilling at all. I can’t say much because spoilers, but it was really entertaining with jokes and plot twists. There really was a lot of plot twists, which once again I can’t say, but let’s just say holy **** this book wraps the whole lore together rather nicely. Everything you find out is coherent, and it does such a great job correlating stories with each other. The story of the snow queen was the key player though, so if you want to get the references I suggest reading that book first. My favorite character is mother goose, and that’s because she is comedy gold, even in serious situations. Here’s a quote to prove it. “‘As I said to the Children’s Crusade of 1212: Get out of here, kiddos! This isn’t your fight!’” This is as close to comedy as you can get in the situation they were there, and with the situation they were it it takes some serious stuff to actually be able to keep the mood up like that while saving children. Now, I introduce… Peter Pan saying appendage jokes to Captain Hook because its funny!

“‘Do you know what I wish I could do more than anything else in the world, Peter?’ Captain Hook asked.” “‘Clap?’ Peter Pan guessed.” “‘What?’ the captain asked.’No!’” ”’Do a handstand?’” “‘NO!”’ “‘Play the piano?” “‘STOP IT! STOP MAKING APPENDAGE JOKES!’” “‘Why? Is it getting out of hand?’” “‘YOU ARE SO IMMATURE!’” “‘Captain, now is not the time to point the finger’”

This is my favorite series of quotes because it just makes me laugh so much. Even more than the Wicked Witch of The West getting mad over the Merry Men insulting her appearance.

Three Wishes

If a genie granted me three wishes and I couldn’t wish for more wishes, It would take a bit of time to think. After a while of thinking, permanent world peace would be the first one I would do. By permanent world peace, I don’t mean just wars. I mean water problems, world hunger, poverty, inflation, cancer, everything that prevents peace. I would do this because this would not only benefit me, but pretty much everyone. It’s also a morally good thing to do and could make people happier, which is the true end goal. My next wish would be an enormous amount of money. Why you may ask? that’s simple, and in fact a one word answer. Cats. If I had a large amount of money I could buy a mansion and get self cleaning litter boxes, a lot of those fountain water bowls, a lot of cat toys and fun places to hide for them, and also I wouldn’t have to worry about vet bills! It would be awesome having so much happy cats. Finally, last but not least, for no one or pet to die. I already have permanent world peace at this point, so overpopulation wouldn’t be a problem. Everyone, and I mean everyone has had to deal with the death of a loved one or pet. But maybe, if everyone was immortal, everyone would be happy. Since there’s permanent world peace, the problems that come with that wouldn’t happen. Nobody would have to deal with the death of someone they hold oh so dear. I guess this last wish is more me reflecting my own griefs into this prompt, but it’s also the truth. On a more light hearted note, did you know…I got 2 new kittens recently? Originally, as mentioned in a previous post, we were only going to get one but my mom just fell in love with one I didn’t. The kittens names are Pumpkin and Maria. I’m planning to harness train them at 3 months, if they’re big enough. I’m going to give them all the love they need, because they deserve it. Pumpkin is white with orange spots and blue eyes, he’s a boy. Maria is a black and brown kitten with green eyes. She’s a girl. Pumpkin is the loving one, and Maria is a bit more of a adventurer. Either way, I love them both.

My Perfect (Gaming) Day-Start to Finish

My perfect day would be pretty simple. Not any mythical stuff like following unicorns over rainbows, not any vacations to anywhere, even places like Japan. My perfect day is actually really easy to achieve if I get a few fans in my room. My perfect day would be waking up with all my cats next to each other, all on me because who doesn’t want fluffy cats to lay on top of them? Well allergic people obviously, but that’s besides the point. The next part of my day would be getting up and going to my computer. The room would be cold, giving me an excuse to use my comfortable blankets without overheating. Once I get comfortable, I’m going to start playing Genshin Impact on my computer. I’ll work on some of those extremely long world quests, I’ll do story quests, I’ll farm for primogems and get a lot by doing puzzles. I’ll reach high exploration, and hopefully get a character I like on the Character banner. Fun fact:yesterday I got Venti on the Character banner. I’ve had some good luck on the character and weapon banner because I got Staff of Homa, Neuvilette, and Venti which all weren’t guaranteed things to get. That would basically be my whole day, although some of it would also be playing Roblox, watching YouTube, and eating food I like. For example, McDonalds and Chick-Fil-A. That pretty much sums every detail up. That is indeed everything. Now im just elongating it. Well, this is the end of the elongation. I don’t even know if that’s a word. Uhhhhh, goodbye I guess..

Waking up as Jeff Bezos.

If I could swap places with a famous person I would want to swap with Jeff Bezos. Not because I like him, because I don’t. I want to swap with Jeff Bezos so I can spend all of his money. I would like to enter his body while his soul wonders around confused so I can spend all his money. That’s it, why you may ask? I just don’t really like him. I guess I should say what I would do to spend his money. I would raise all Amazon Employees salaries by 150% and Clear a lot of student debt because holy macaroni there’s a lot of that. I would also go and give random people a lot of money. I would donate to homeless and animal rescue shelters, I would make homeless people moderately rich, I would send people that are homeless because of drugs into a rehabilitation facility, and overall just use his money in helpful ways until he was moderately wealthy. Then I would give away all his companies in challenges, think Mr Beast but instead of one million dollars the whole amazon company. At the end, after making his family concerned about him, after helping so much people, and after ultimately screwing Jeff Bezos over, I would sign a legal document stating that all purchases, donations, giveaways, or anything of the sort would not be able to be reversed or taken back. This would leave the final blow that would really do a number on him. Within 24 hours from when it started I would be back in my body ad he would be crying, having lost so much. On a lighter note, thanks to the game You Are Jeff Bezos for inspiring me for this project! I originally was going to just not switch with anyone, or maybe a brain dead person so I could sleep all day, but that game inspired me to talk about how I would screw Jeff Bezos over! Whoever is reading this, have a wonderfully wonderful day. Is that grammatically correct? I don’t know! Should I care because I’m writing this in core? Probably! Anyways, on a more serious note now. I hope whoever is reading this has a wonderful day, seriously. All of you readers deserve to have a awesome day, because that means a happy day, and I think everyone likes happy days.

If I Could be Any Age Forever

If I could be one age forever I would be four. The reasons I have are the following: I would still be able to talk to people, School wouldn’t be hard, and I would still be blissfully ignorant.

If time is still gonna pass, I’m going to want to be able to talk to people. If I can’t talk to people, I’ll get sad a lot faster. I mean, imagine how it would feel being somewhat aware of the world around you yet not being able to interact with it. That would be like a never ending nightmare, the only escape being not-living, but I don’t want to dive into that territory. If I couldn’t talk to people yet I knew they were there and I could still interact with them, just the social isolation would be difficult to handle.

School wouldn’t be as hard because with my age I would either be in Transitional Kindergarten or Preschool. At the age of four I would probably be learning colors and playing with Playdough or Magic Foam, and there also wouldn’t be any social hierarchy. Just four year olds having fun. There would be no betrayals, no enemies, no sadness, no stress. Just children interacting like usual.

The best part of being four is being blissfully ignorant. As a child, I didn’t know what global warming or depression was, I didn’t know about climate change or murder, I didn’t know people could die, I didn’t know anything. It was just me, my friends, and my toys. No breakdowns over my future, no burn out, no unhealthy sleep habits, no fears besides the supposed monster under my bed, fun places, nap time, no bad things at all. This is why I would permanently be four. Not three, not five, not twelve or twenty or thirty, just four.

My Birthday Kitten

My parents are getting me a kitten for my birthday. In this blog, I will talk about how I’m going to take care of the Kitten. I will name my cat Leila if it’s a girl, and a random name like Moo Moo or Starburst (Real cats at the OC animal shelter)if it’s a boy. When the kitten is old and big enough, I will try and harness train the kitten so I can go on walks with them. Most importantly, I will have to introduce the cat to Pete. If the two cats get along, Great! If not hopefully snowball will become friends with the new kitten. I will find out what treats the kitten likes best and use them to teach the kitten how to climb the cat tree in my room. If the kitten likes cuddles, I’ll cuddle with it every night. I will also make sure the kitten is okay with being picked up. I want to spoil the kitten with toys and love, maybe even getting a kitten stroller or carrier for when the cat gets tired on our walks. This is the first kitten i’ve ever raised, so I’ll do my best. I asked this some random time, and my parents remembered. I’m glad they did, because now I can introduce our lovely feline friend when we get them.

RAD Reading-September

The book I’m doing this on is called The Land of Stories: The Enchantress Returns by Chris Colfer. Here’s a quick summary of the plot. One year after Alex and Conner Bailey find out about the Land of Stories, and are sadly not allowed in it, they find out their mom has been kidnapped by the evil enchantress, Ezmia. For background, she’s the one who put the thorn bush curse in the story Sleeping Beauty. They then find a way to go to the stories, where they have to stop Ezmia from destroying the fairytale world. They do this by going on a conquest to gather the most important item from the 5 most hated people in the world, who are the Evil Stepmother, The Snow Queen, The Sea Witch, The Giant from Jack And The Beanstalk, and of course Ezmia to make the Wand of Wonderment. There’s also still that somewhat entertaining dynamic between Red and Goldilocks, both hating each others guts.
I liked the book because it’s one of the few I’m not tempted to skip past the drama, because it’s actually entertaining enough. Most books drama is either too much or too little for me, but this one has just the right amount. My favorite character from the story is Alex, not because she’s a strong female character (partially), but because she’s courageous. I can’t say why because that would be a major plot spoiler, and I don’t want to ruin the experience. I can use a out of context quote however, so might as well do the required character trait here. Alex is courageous, and here’s the quote to prove it. “Everyone looked up to see Alex at the front of the colosseum”. This is courageous because oh my god I would be extremely anxious, and it’s even more courageous in context. The courage this girl has is honestly surprising. My favorite quote is “ ‘Jack is nimble, Jack is quick, but Jack can be such a—‘ She then stopped, perhaps remembering she was talking to thirteen-year-olds.” I find this funny because Mother Goose was rhyming during this time, and you can guess what she was going to say next. Bonus points because my oldest brother is named Jack, and as the younger sister it just makes me giggle.

Why I would want to live in Genshin Impact

I would want to live in Genshin Impact because overall it seems peaceful. Besides the horrible legal system in Fontaine, The corruption that barely got fixed in Sumeru, How much of a tyrant Ei was in Inazuma, the fact that Liyues own Archon couldn’t decide if Liyue could defend itself and he could retire, and the fact the Abyss corrupted Dvalins blood causing the first Archon quest of the game. Okay maybe it’s not as peaceful as it sounds, but if i’m a normal civilian life could be pretty peaceful, during all of the chaos the only people that really got hurt/harmed in any way were people in Inazuma. I guess I should probably specify where I want to live in Genshin impact. If I had to choose I would live specifically in Mondstadt. Sure, its lore is really dark if you actually try and look at it, but if you’re just a normal civilian, or possibly a Vision holder, you wouldn’t have to worry too much. You would just live your life normally and peacefully till you die of old age, which I think would be ideal. There also isn’t much problems in Mondstadt. Basically, it would be peaceful.


Archon: A god of a nation. Normally they have three popular titles. Ex: Morax, Lord of Geo, God of Contracts ( Zhongli )

Fontaine: The Nation of Justice. (Hydro)

Sumeru: The Nation of Wisdom (Dendro)

Inazuma: The Nation of Eternity ( Electro)

Liyue: The Nation of Contracts (Geo)

Mondstadt: The Nation of Freedom ( Anemo)

Vision: Something that allows people to use elements. for example, Kokomis vision allows her to heal people using her Jellyfish thing because she can actually summon it with her vision. She can also walk on water using her elemental burst, which she can only do because of her vision.

Ei: The Electro Archon. Other names are The God of Eternity, The Raiden Shogun, and Beelzebul.

Extra content ( Aka the other 3 Archons names/ what they commonly go by)

Focalors, Lady Furina, Hydro Archon, The God of Justice.

Venti, Barbatos, Anemo Archon, The God of Freedom

Nahida, Buer, The Dendro Archon, The God of Wisdom

And pictures for word building.




Sumeru city





